Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GO Programming Language

GO is a systems programming language by Google.Inc. 
The official website http://golang.org/ describes this language as simple, fast, concurrent, safe, fun, open source and what not. So far it has not been developed for the Windows platform, so if interested, it means you need the good ol' Linux.

GO is basically an OOPs based language that looks a lot like Java but personally I felt it was more like C\C++ given a lot of resources and power. What differentiates it from Java is basically a heavy use of low level features, which anyone would have started missing if they used Java for too long. Three instruction sets for amd86, x86\x86-32, ARM are supported.

Installation is easy if you have ever installed Java before, because it involves setting environmental variables. Programs have a ".go" extension and when compiled the extension changes to name of current commpilor, eg. "file.6". The Linked files are named as ".out"

The main comparisons to C++\Java are implicit Garbage-collection, use of imports through package files, no implicit type-conversions (type-casts are used, called conversions), etc. Also, unlike Java, Pointers ARE supported, but pointer arithmetic is not. Pleas visit the mentioned website for details...

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